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20th June, The Workshop 21st June, The Festival

The Audiencers' Festival

Bringing together publishing professionals to make better decisions when it comes to engaging, converting and retaining their audiences.


TAF London logo

Digital publishing professionals in The Audiencers' online community

Media titles joining our London Festival

Expert panelists

Hours of conference and networking between peers

Definitely the most useful conference I have been to this year! What made it stand out was that everyone was very transparent and open when discussing strategies and opportunities... there was a lot of discussion and knowledge-sharing around solutions, a breath of fresh air from the usual doom and gloom."

Olivia Woosey
New Statesman Group

The Audiencers' Festival

2 day agenda

The Workshop: an intimate, 20-person interactive session focusing on retention-minded acquisition, followed by drinks to continue the conversation

The Festival: an afternoon of expertise covering everything engagement, conversion & retention, plus a networking drinks evening

  1. 9:00am The News Building - News UK

    Doors opening

    1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9SG

  2. 9:30am News UK

    The warm-up act: How to succeed in the current reader revenue landscape

    madeleine-whiteMadeleine White
    Co-founder (The Audiencers)

    marion-wyss-modifiedMarion Wyss
    Co-founder (The Audiencers)

  3. 10am News UK

    How the Guardian has developed and promoted its product portfolio to gain reader support

    jim scutt-modifiedJim Scutt
    Senior Growth Manager (The Guardian)

    julia hinds-modifiedJulia Hinds
    Senior Propositions Manager, Reader Revenue (The Guardian)

  4. 10:30am News UK

    Clarín's digital transformation: the secrets behind the most successful Spanish-language media subscription

    ismael nafria-modifiedIsmael Nafria Mitjans
    Journalist, Author, Consultant

  5. 11am News UK

    Coffee break

  6. 11:40am News UK

    Audience-driven subscriber acquisition: strategies from 3 corners of the world


    Donika Lilova
    Head of Paid Content Subscription & Deputy Chief Subscription Officer (FAZ)


    Flavio Moreira
    Product Management/Editor in Chief (UOL)

    Eliz Mizon-modified

    Eliz Mizon
    Strategy Lead (The Bristol Cable)

    ollie norman-modifiedOliver Norman
    Co-CEO (In Digital)

  7. 12:30pm News UK

    From the brink of bankruptcy to digital transformation: the impressive story of Canada's Les Coops de l’info

    marc gendron-modifiedMarc Gendron
    Publisher of Le Soleil

    jay-modifiedInterviewed by Jay M'Bei
    VP of Sales EMEA (Arc XP)

    Brought to you by Arc XP

  8. 1pm News UK

    Lunch break

  9. 2pm News UK

    From community to reader revenue

     madeleine-white-modifiedKey note by Madeleine White
    Editor in chief (The Audiencers)

    william whittington-modifiedWilliam Whittington
    Lead Community Moderator (The Telegraph)

    birger 1 Birger Soiland
    VP of Sales (Norkon)

    peter jackson-modifiedPeter Jackson
    Reader Comment Editor (The Times & The Sunday Times)

  10. 2:45pm News UK

    Multichannel anti-churn strategy: 5 examples from Libération

    adèle bacos-modifiedAdèle Bacos
    Head of Subscription Marketing (Libération) 

    Brought to you by Actito


  11. 3:15pm News UK

    Churn reduction stories from two sides of the Channel

    Romain Léquipe-modifiedRomain Lhote
    Head of Marketing (L'Équipe)

    lisa stevensLisa Stevens
    Head of Subscriber Engagement & Retention (The Times)

    ludivine-paquet-modifiedModerated by Ludivine Paquet
    Head of Customer Success (Poool)

  12. 4pm News UK

    Fête de la musique!

    Fête de la musique is a French annual festival on the longest day of the year where every street in Paris is filled with live music of every variety.

    And June 21st, the day of our Festival, just happens to be this day! So we thought we'd bring Paris' music across the channel to London, with live music, networking and drinks!


  1. 2pm In Digital, 49 Neal Street

    Welcome coffee

    This workshop is aimed at subscriber acquisition team members who are looking to implement retention strategies prior to conversion in order to increase lifetime value.

    Brought to you by

  2. 2:30pm In Digital, 49 Neal Street

    The theory: how to intelligently acquire subscribers

    madeleine-whiteMadeleine White
    Editor in chief (The Audiencers/Poool)

    charlotte parker-modifiedCharlotte Parker
    Senior Customer Success Manager (Aptitude Software)

  3. 3pm In Digital, 49 Neal Street

    The case study: L'Équipe

    Romain Léquipe-modified

    Romain L'Hote
    Director Marketing (L'Équipe)

  4. 3:30pm In Digital, 49 Neal Street

    Subscription speed dating

    4 break out groups (speed dating style!) to discuss different aspects of retention-minded acquisition, share best practices and solutions to key challenges.

  5. 4:30pm In Digital, 49 Neal Street


    Key takeaways from the speed dating sessions

  6. 5pm In Digital, 49 Neal Street

    Drinks and networking

    🍷🍻 Fingers crossed for some sun!

News UK

The festival space

News UK Building

1 London Bridge St, SE1 9SG

The Workshop Space

In Digital Offices

49 Neal Street, WC2H 9PZ

Organized with

  • sponsors-1

The Audiencers' Festival London

Why join us?


An afternoon of expertise. By publishing professionals, for publishing professionals:

  • Make better decisions
  • Understand the operational 'how'
  • Unique perspectives
  • Networking with others facing the same challenges

"It was fantastic. Great speakers, great venue and lots of opportunities for one-on-one chats to dive deeper into specific areas of interest."

Metro Land Media
The Audiencers' Festival Toronto

"THE event for a new generation of publishing leaders!"

DG RadioPlayer France
The Audiencers' Festival Paris

"I thought you pulled in a really high quality audience - just as important as great panelists in my opinion!"

Business Insider
The Audiencers' Festival New York

"The Audiencers' Festival was so valuable as the speakers offered practical solutions that I'll definitely be taking back to the newsroom!"

The Wall Street Journal
The Audiencers' Festival New York

The Audiencers' Festivals so far

Send us an email

Got a question?

Get in touch with our team if you have any questions, would be interested in sponsoring or simply to introduce yourself!
Next Section

The need-to-know


Do you need to pay to attend?

Nope! This is a free event with the goal of sharing expertise and bringing publishing professionals together. The reason we're asking you to register your interest instead of getting tickets directly is so that we can make sure to fill the room full with the right professionals - those working in audience development - to ensure interesting conversations.

Where is the event being held?

At the News UK Building in London, home of The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun, The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones, TalkRADIO and HarperCollins. With a view over the Thames, St Pauls and London Bridge, you can't really get a better spot to learn, share and network.

Who is the event aimed at?

Just like The Audiencers' written content, this event is for publishing professionals involved in audience development. Specifically, audience engagement and conversion in a digital reader revenue model.

What language will the conference be in?

English, but we welcome professionals from around the world to join!

Why do I have to "request" a spot?

We do this to make sure the room is full of digital publishing professionals. If you don't fit into this category, please reach out to us via the contact form to see how we can work together:)

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes

21st July 2024 London

Are you ready?!

A day of expertise. From professionals, to professionals.
Reserve your spot